Onboarding with focus: the TAG Bootcamp and Reboot

As an engineering student, you have the perfect educational background to start out as a consultant. However, consultancy and project management involve unique challenges for which a classroom doesn’t prepare you. That is why TAG provides young graduates with an intensive boot camp week to help kick-start their career at TAG with success.

What does our Bootcamp look like?

The TAG Bootcamp is a training week that takes place yearly, each time in a different location. Here, you’ll teach the ropes of project management and business analysis hands-on and participate in case workshops focused on improving TAG’s operations. You’ll develop these cases by working in a team with fellow young graduates and senior TAG consultants. It’s the perfect opportunity to grow into a fully-fledged TAG consultant and bond with your new TAG colleagues as you help shape and advance the company with your case. Finally, the Bootcamp will be concluded with a glamorous Pitch Night, where each team will get to present their case to a knowledgeable jury formed of TAG stakeholders.  

What will you learn in our Bootcamp?

During the Bootcamp, you’ll learn how to put the engineering mindset you acquired in your studies into practice and familiarise yourself with valuable tools to manage your very own project, from problem-solving techniques, such as the DMAIC method, to knowing how to start up and hand over your project using the STARR method. Next, you’ll gain insight into your strengths and weaknesses and those of others by learning about different personality types in order to collaborate more efficiently with colleagues on projects. Finally, the Bootcamp will introduce you to the many sectors TAG specialises in and give insight into the business infrastructures of its industry players. That way, you can hit the ground running on your first project and make an impact from day one.

What are the advantages of the Bootcamp?

The Bootcamp is more than a collection of trainings; it’s also a key part of our onboarding. It fosters your integration into the TAG team and helps internalise the TAG mindset. Throughout this week, you’ll work closely with your new TAG colleagues and have the opportunity to unwind with them afterwards, as you’ll stay on location overnight. Work hard, play hard; that is the TAG way. And the same holds for our Bootcamp. When you start on your first project afterwards, you’ll know exactly at whose door to knock for support.

Are you an engineering student and curious about applying your skills as a business consultant? TAG offers an exciting workplace with challenging projects. ,

Ready for a reboot?

Are you an experienced consultant looking to start at TAG? In conjunction with the Bootcamp, TAG organises a Reboot for new consultants as well as young graduates who’ve been with TAG for a year or more. The Reboot consists of learning sessions specifically designed to further your existing skill set. Most notably, the programme includes four unique courses developed specifically by long-standing TAG partner Flanders Business School. There’s no finer way to invest in your professional growth.

Want to apply your consultancy skills at TAG? We’d love to discuss your ambitions.

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