10 years TAG: Founder Peter Verboven on the growth of Tactical Advisory Group

In 2014, Peter Verboven and John-Sebastian Peeters were two ambitious consultants with a dream: starting a consultancy firm where they could do things their way. A decade later, TAG has grown into a powerful brand with an impressive team of over 50 consultants. On the occasion of TAG's 10th anniversary, Peter Verboven looks back on the company’s growth journey.

Congratulations on the anniversary, Peter! A decade of growth, that’s quite a feat. At the time, why did you and John decide to found TAG?

‘When we started, there was no long-term vision or strategy. John was a former colleague from a large consultancy firm, and I happened to run into him. We both wanted to do things differently from large firms by working hands-on and result-driven. So, at one point, we just said: screw it, let’s do it, and started two brands, one focused on engineering, the other one on management. Back then, we were less concerned with the bigger picture and more with the here and now, finding the next project that could keep our company alive.’

“TAG started from the shared belief Peter and I had that consultancy could be done differently: more efficiently and with a more personal touch. I look back fondly on those early days. As a young company, we were free to experiment, just as a small child is allowed to make mistakes. Having that entrepreneurial freedom was quite unique.”
- John-Sebastian Peeters, co-founder of TAG -

How have TAG's positioning and expertise evolved over the years?

‘At first, we were active in two very different domains: the brewery industry, in which John had experience as an engineering project manager, and the energy sector, in which I had experience as a management consultant. To highlight these two branches for our customers, we gave them a clear branding: TAG Engineering and TAG Management. But as we grew, it became apparent that we were in fact two very different companies working alongside each other. During COVID, the two branches split up. That moment allowed us to reposition ourselves, streamline our branding and work out a strategic growth plan, focusing on management consultancy.’

How did the TAG DNA come about with its distinctive dress code and telling motto: no nonsense, just results?

‘Many starting companies first formulate their DNA and then manifest it. For us, it was the other way around. We always had this go-getting, quality-driven mentality, as you can tell from the brand name SILDI (Screw It, Let’s Do It). But we hadn’t consciously defined our DNA until the two branches that TAG included back then, engineering and management, split up. That was a watershed moment in our company’s history. It forced us to reflect on who TAG is and what our values are. Only then did we externalise our identity by redesigning our office, writing down our values and motto, and defining the ten strong principles our consultants live by. The dress code developed naturally over time. That too was a natural extension of our existing DNA.’

As you mentioned, TAG was first active in the energy and brewery industry. How did you expand to other sectors?

‘We looked for links between the industries we were familiar with and the ones we wanted to explore. Many sectors share processes; the logistic challenges for breweries and retail industries, for instance, are quite similar. And then it simply came down to hard work, gaining expertise and having the guts to try new things. Sometimes, we were simply lucky that supply and demand matched at the right time.’

Where do you see growth opportunities for TAG?

‘For TAG to grow sustainably, we need to invest in our people first. Our focus for the near future is becoming the best-in-class as an employer, with ever-improving trainings and onboarding. Delivering quality comes down to hiring, onboarding and supporting the right consultants. Getting the most out of the talent we have is priority number one. If our quality increases, customers and a growth in sales will follow.’

Finally, looking back on this incredible journey, what are you most proud of?

‘I’m most proud of the company culture we’ve developed over the years. Our values are clear, strong and embodied by each and every one of our consultants; they help ensure team spirit and deliver quality results for our customers. Someone asked me the other day if I would ever start a new company. But it would never be as successful as this. If I could, I would do it all over again.’

Thank you for your time, Peter, and may the coming ten years be equally promising for TAG!

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